Archive for June 2009 | Monthly archive page
As for me, I rarely ever get puffy eyes, unless I've been crying, so this is not an issue for me.
However, if I did, I would thinly slice up some cucumbers and relax with them on my eyes for about 30 minutes to get rid of them.
My problem often is that I get dark circles, mostly because I've been busy and not getting enough sleep.
As you age, the skin under your eyes becomes thinner and thinner, making your dark circles more noticeable.
Of course, you need a great eye wrinkle cream that Read more [...]
I'm going to be in the Niagara Region and GTA (Greater Toronto Area) on June 9th until ?
I'll at least be a few weeks, possibly 1 month or so.
I would love to work on a creative project such as a photo shoot, promotion, campaign, commercial or other modeling/acting endeavor during this time.
Please feel free to comment below (I won't publish them) or email me @
Be sure to include what kind of job it is, how many hours, dates and times and compensation Read more [...]