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posted by on Beauty Tips, Tips, What's New

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Are you looking for Discount Perfumes online? If you're searching for perfume, I'm sure you would like to get it more inexpensively, right? Who wouldn't? Well, if you check out Fragrance Net, you can get 15% off perfume if you use code:  BLGFT there. Just wanted to pass that on to my very special readers interested in Beauty here on Life of Kimberly Edwards! What are my picks for the summer? Well, check out my posts: My Staple Perfume Right Now & Kimberly's Favorite Inexpensive Read more [...]

posted by on Dream Journal, What's New

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Well, I had a dream last night that we were holding a birthday party for my Aunt Vera (on my father's side, who is actually a cousin, but since she's much older, we've always called her Aunt Vera). We were at my childhood home in St. Catharines and we had so many people over, but it seemed to be only women in our family, even people not related on that side of the family - a real menagerie. My mother had made a beautiful, round cake with white fondant and gorgeous, colorful flowers of many Read more [...]

posted by on Dream Journal, What's New


What's with me dreaming about cats lately - they're not really my pet of choice anyway. However, I've always been crazy about other people's orange cats. This morning, in real life (LOL), we actually had a long-awaited thunderstorm in Dallas come through around 4:30 am. I went to open a few of the windows to get some real, cool air into this house and briefly enjoy the smell and sound of the rain outside. I was awoken, again in real life, by a loud bang in the front room, so I Read more [...]

posted by on Beauty Tips, Product Reviews, Tips, What's New

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When I travel, I can only pack so much, especially with the weight and baggage limits put upon us by the airlines. So, I try to consolidate and bring things that will work universally - and that includes beauty products! My perfume of choice this month for traveling is Victoria's Secret's Heavenly Perfume Scent. It's soft and floral and simply smells heavenly! It is great for day time as it's not overpowering, isn't oily - so it's not uncomfortable or staining in very intense heat like Read more [...]

posted by on Dream Journal, What's New


Alright, I promised I'd share my interesting dreams I have at night... My dreams often take place at or around my childhood home or neighborhood, which this one does as well. I was with my husband in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada about 1 block away from where I went to grade school and we were walking "home". Now, by "home", I mean my childhood home, which is about 4 blocks from this location. As we were walking "home" during the last hour or so of daylight, from who knows where, a Read more [...]

posted by on Dream Journal, Neat Stuff, What's New


Alright people, many of you may not know that I am a dreamer - a serious dreamer. Often, the dreams I have come true in some shape or form - sometimes sooner than later. I dream just about every night, so you may be in for a treat. This is a rare glimpse into my dream-life - also, it will help me document them too. Now, I have "normal" dreams everyone else does, with purple cats & dogs and wild adventures where I'm flying...I even have the odd nightmare, much less than I used Read more [...]

posted by on Beauty Tips, Look Great, Modeling, What's New

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As for me, I rarely ever get puffy eyes, unless I've been crying, so this is not an issue for me. However, if I did, I would thinly slice up some cucumbers and relax with them on my eyes for about 30 minutes to get rid of them. My problem often is that I get dark circles, mostly because I've been busy and not getting enough sleep. As you age, the skin under your eyes becomes thinner and thinner, making your dark circles more noticeable. Of course, you need a great eye wrinkle cream that Read more [...]

posted by on Modeling, What's New

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I'm going to be in the Niagara Region and GTA (Greater Toronto Area) on June 9th until ? I'll at least be a few weeks, possibly 1 month or so. I would love to work on a creative project such as a photo shoot, promotion, campaign, commercial or other modeling/acting endeavor during this time. Please feel free to comment below (I won't publish them) or email me @ kimberly@kimberly-edwards.com Be sure to include what kind of job it is, how many hours, dates and times and compensation Read more [...]

posted by on Fashion, Look Great, What's New

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If you haven't already checked out AMIClubwear, you simply must. I did a post a little while ago about getting awesome Sassy Summerwear from them. Really stylish, really fun clothes at really great prices. Okay, so now that you have the background on it, if you go by their YouTube Channel @ http://www.youtube.com/user/amiclubwear, and subscribe to it, you could win a $300 Gift Certificate! Um...yeah...a no-brainer!!! Get on over there and subscribe, would ya? Well, do it before June 24th Read more [...]

posted by on Modeling, What's New

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Just wanted to let you all know what I've been up to as of late with modeling/acting. Shanti Baba Ram & The Children of Hope - a Canadian Film Centre short film that I was a female activist in is now screening. Town Shoes - I did a shoot for Town Shoes in Canada and you should be seeing me on point-of-purchase signs when you check out @ the stores across Canada - I still haven't seen the final product - let me know what you think! Diamond Promotions - I've been doing a lot of promotions Read more [...]

posted by on Neat Stuff, Product Reviews, What's New

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I think I would do well with a Google Android phone. Why? Firstly, because I travel a lot, Android Storage would allow me to access photos, movies/videos, music and files, virtually, from the unlimited storage space online that would stream seamlessly to my phone without using my phone's memory card. Secondly, when we're in town, we're always on the go - with me modeling, representing a celebrity client, and working on real estate properties with my husband, I need all the photo and file Read more [...]

posted by on Fashion, What's New

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That's right! Tomorrow only, flip flops in so many different colors are only $1 a pair. Each customer is limited to 5 pairs per person. This is limited to Old Navy stores in the USA. I believe Old Navy opens @ 9:00 am, so get on out there and get your summer flip flops!!! *** I hope you enjoyed this Fashion Deal on Life of Kimberly Edwards! Until next time... I Am & Will Continue To Be, Kimberly Edwards :) P.S. Keep me updated on sales and deals out there - Leave Read more [...]

posted by on Movie Reviews, What's New

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We went to the movies again on Friday and watched Star Trek and Next Day Air. Star Trek was phenomenal - loved it - and I wasn't even a Trekkie fan from way back...I watched it, but it wasn't my favorite show by any means. There was even a cameo appearance from one of the original actors from the show, which I won't disclose to you here - you'll just have to go and watch it yourself! Even if you weren't into Star Trek when you were younger, and even if you've never watched it before Read more [...]

posted by on Cooking, Neat Stuff


That's right folks... Hollywood isn't the only place to spot celebs - from Mickey Mouse to Tiger Woods to Burt Reynolds, and everyone in between, frequents Kissimmee and the surrounding area! * Be sure to enter the sweepstakes from Kissimmee! They're actually giving away 3 fabulous weekend getaways for 2, and 2 week long vacations for 4 around June 1st! :) As for me, it would certainly be Emeril Lagasse - You know, the "Bam" and "Kick it up a notch" guy on Food Network Television! I'm Read more [...]

posted by on Fashion, Modeling, What's New

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Just wanted to update you on my newest modeling/promotion job with a jewelry company in Dallas, Texas. I'm starting the campaign on Tuesday next week. Then, provided I'm happy with them and they're happy with me, it will be on Thursday and Friday with continuing promotions they'd use me for. Very cool! They want me to work with them exclusively when it comes to the jewelry industry in Dallas - and that's fine with me... Doesn't this sound terrible? (LOL LOL LOL) - I get to wear absolutely Read more [...]