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Posts Tagged ‘running shoes’

posted by on Fashion, Tips


Okay...It's not just me... I am a clean shoe fanatic! It is an extremely rare occurrence that you'll EVER see me in some dirty running shoes. Why? There's no reason for it. You CAN wash running shoes in the washing machine, and they come out like new if you do it correctly! So many people are afraid of washing their running shoes...Why? I do not know! Firstly, spray them with stain remover for tough stains...If they're just dingy, there's no need. Secondly, wash them in the warm Read more [...]

posted by on Sports, Tips


kimberly edwards Especially when I get stressed out, I crave going for a jog. I can see the trees go by, smell the lilacs as I jog past, and get some fresh air. It's just you and the road with your thoughts... If you don't feel like thinking, it's easy to be distracted by everything going on around you. When you feel frustrated and like you can't get anywhere in your thoughts, going for a jog gives you a feeling of accomplishment... My biggest piece of advice: Make sure you're wearing good shoes Read more [...]